Wednesday, December 21, 2016

First real combat & character death


We carried on from the previous session. The party decided to go for the side-quest (and the bounty).

The kobold camp

The party tried a stealthy approach from the north-west, but the paladin failed miserably (clinky-clanky armor), and the kobolds noticed their approach. The kobold swordsman stood fast in the magic circle, receiving an attack buff, while the slingers and minions peppered the party with missiles. 

The party did manage to emerge victorious, then rested a bit to recover their encounter powers. They realized that the waterfall hides an entrance to a cave.

Combat in the cave

The party entered through the waterfall, and cleared out most of the kobold minions quickly. Then combat was joined by elite kobolds coming from inside the cave, as well the hobgoblin boss sitting in his treasure room.

The party decided to focus on the kobolds, leaving the boss to rampage through their ranks. Soon they realized that, if he doesn't move, he gets to attack twice! Armed with this knowledge, they tried kiting him back and forth. They wore him down eventually... but by that time, the paladin was already dead. Of course, there were more characters unconscious; but he was the only one not nursed back to life.


Alas, in DnD, death is not the end! The party carried back the lifeless corpse of the paladin to Winterhaven, and paid for the services of Sister Linora. The paladin was well surprised when awakened in the chapel, under the watchful eye of the elderly priestess. Still, they managed to pay for the resurrection with only cash and gems. Unlike a previous party, they kept the magic armor found in the chest guarded by the boss!

1 comment:

  1. One Add on: "Soon they ALMOST realized that, if he doesn't move, he gets to attack twice!" I don't know if they realized exactly why is the boss attacking twice but they decided not to stay in one place. :)))
