With the magnetization complete, it was time to paint this monster in all its disgusting glory.
Painting the body
Rashes and pimples
Basecoat in Elf Skintone. For the bigger ones (the 3 in the stomach and one on the arm) do a highlight of Sun Yellow. No basecoat on the rash on the shoulder.
Wash with Carroburg Crimson, then drybrush with Heavy Warmgrey to take it closer to the base skin color.
Highlight with Sun Yellow, then superhighlight the bigger pimples with Fluorescent Yellow. For the rash on the shoulder, I highlighted the rims of the depressions in yellow.
Staff and hair
Basecoat the wooden handle of the staff in Dark Fleshtone (reddish brown). Basecoat the lock of hair on the staff as well as the strands of hair on the head with grey.
Black wash on both.
Highlight with original base colors.
Wash the hair in Agrax Earthshade, then go over with Athonian Camoshade while it's still wet for them to mix.
Basecoat bonewhite.
Wash black, then Agrax Earthshade. I originally intended for it to look like just this dirty white cloth, but it was incredibly close in color (and hard to distinguish from) the skin.
For some contrast, I went over with Reikland Fleshshade. It didn't take it far enough, so I applied some Bloodletter glaze. The original white-ish tone is still there, but that tinge of red offers excellent contrast with the greenish skin.
Basecoat the skulls and shrunken heads in bonewhite. The shrunken heads will also get a basecoat of brown over the stitches.
Wash the skulls in sepia.
Wash the lower parts of the skulls as well as the eye sockets and around the skulls with Agrax Earthshade. Wash the shrunken heads in black.
Highlight both in bonewhite. Pick out the edges: brows, noses, cheeks.
Eyes and teeth
Do the eyes similarly to the
painting tip, but use a different color scheme instead of white-black wash-blue. Use Gore Red for the basecoat.
I did the teeth in the mean time with brown and Agrax Earthshade.
Carroburg Crimson to wash the eyes.
Bloody Red highlight for the eyeballs and Orange Fire for the pupils. Highlight the teeth in bonewhite.
Painting the wings
Paint the "arms" and "fingers" in the skin color detailed above.
Basecoat in Heavy Violet.
Wash in Druchii Violet. I wanted some reddish undertones for contrast with the greenish skin, but decided that this wasn't enough.
Coat in Bloodletter glaze, let it pool up in some of the recesses.
Lighten up the Heavy Violet with white and do a drybrush to reeastablish the violet tones.
Mix in even more white and draw veins on any flat surfaces. I didn't want any of the parts that didn't have sculpted recesses to lack details.
Rusty chains
Looking back, I probably should have painted these like corroded bronze to avoid all these different tones on the model. A greenish hue would have also better stood out from the reddish violet membrane than an orange/silver combination. Oh well.
Basecoat Gunmetal.
Wash Fuegan Orange.
Drybrush and edge with silver.
Skulls and hair
As I usually do bone, basecoat in bonewhite.
Wash Seraphim Sepia.
Wash the lower parts and eyesockets with Agrax Earthshade.
At this point I realized there were locks of hair underneath some of the skulls, so I thought of painting them first so that I can fix any mistakes during the highlight step. Basecoat grey.
Wash black and Agrax Earthshade, let them mix on the model.
Highlight the hairs with grey. Highlight the skulls with bonewhite.
I normally don't talk about this step, but let me show you how amazing magnets are:
I was also pretty upset after this step, as the matte varnish that I bought turned out to be shiny.
Pictures will come later, when I'm done with the base.