Monday, September 30, 2019

Age of Sigmar Tournament: Maggotkin vs Sylvaneth


This time, Virulax lead the charge. He needed to set the right example. The Realm of Light, this Domain of Symmetry and Purity, made his skin crawl.

Age of Sigmar Tournament: Maggotkin vs Gloomspite Gitz


The Drones of the Plague were the first to buzz their way across the arid planes of Aqshy. Every beat of the wing, Every Step... a League. A Feculent Gnarlmaw sprouted up welcomingly... right next to the fearsome shrine of the Gloomspite Gitz.

Age of Sigmar Tournament: Maggotkin vs Skaventide


The warband stepped out unto a deserted landscape. Ferrous deposits dotted the ground and the structures. The sharp scent of iron mixed with something foul, and the Bringer of the Pox lifted his own rusted blade.
'Ratmen! Charge!'

Age of Sigmar Meeting Engagement Tournament

We had the first local Age of Sigmar tournament this Saturday. The details and precise results are at the links below; but short version: 1000 point Meeting Engagement scenarios in randomly determined realms.

Of course, playing competitive is no reason to leave the narrative behind!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Stormvault campaign: Maggotkin vs Gloomspite Gitz, 2019.09.10


'Let life bloom!' - cried Virulax, and spat. The phlegm arced across the land, landing amidst several arcane trinkets. The earth blackened and twisted, heaved and gave birth to a wonderful Feculent Gnarlmaw. The corrupted tree grew to an impressive size at once, fed by the latent energies of the structures. Virulax grinned, and gathered his phlegm once more... then swallowed it all in surprise. All around the tree, mushrooms popped into existence. By the Grandfather! several even grew on the Gnarlmaw itself. Of course, they withered away in seconds, but still, the offense was immeasurable. Virulax sputtered and reached for his blade. Alongside, the Bringer of the Pox stepped up.
'Great One, this seems... oddly familiar.'
The baleful light of the Bad Moon shone upon them, and squigs started howling in the distance.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Repurposed CD-holders

I threw out most of my CDs/DVDs with the advent of high speed internet. I happened upon my old stack of CD-holders, and decided to repurpose them. After all, the cardboard box full of paints was becoming crowded and it was hard to locate anything in it...

Painting a ringwraith (Nazgûl) in a dark green cloak


With the DnD party going up against a god of death in the long run, it's just a matter of time for them to run into some scary undead. Queue this Nazgûl to appear!

Dark green cloth

Almost black.

Monday, September 16, 2019

M.A.G.U.S. - Strong feelings

We started back at the cemetery, where we investigated the ancient crypt - and it had a tunnel leading inside (or outside?), but nothing else. We left no stone unturned, working 'til dawn, to no avail. It truly looked like an abandoned cemetery, with only a couple of fresh graves - these too a few years old. The corpses held no additional clues, except the lightning-wrapped ghouls having unnatural proportions and an unholy stink.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Magnetized and kitbashed Foetid Bloat-drones

The premise is that I bought a single regular Foetid Bloat-drone kit, and several starter set drones. The regular kit comes with 3 faceplate and 3 weapon options. The starter set comes with a single plate and a single weapon type. The aim was to customize the starter set drones by mounting all the different faceplate options on them, as well as to magnetize all the weapon arms and have them be interchangeable.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Menace in the Zarek Valley - Epilogue

And with that last, epic game session, the "Menace in the Zarek Valley" campaign had come to an end.

Menace in the Zarek Valley - Season Finale

Having defeated the creatures of the Underdark, the party moves forward more cautiously. Groin gives a ring to Ren to buff him, and the adventurers advance guided by their torches. Soon however, they need to sleep again. That's when the fun began...

Menace in the Zarek Valley - Pitch black

The adventurers resupply before going on their final mission. The baron provides food and equipment, as well some payment in advance.[1] The black uniforms have their own (possibly shady) vendor whom the adventurers visit. With all said and done, Ren takes the maps cobbled together by Zyn, the local Underdark expert, and the party leaves to get the job done.

Menace in the Zarek Valley - Return of the Solid

The party goes to sleep, having remorse over leaving their friends stranded. Groin was the only one who wanted to rescue them; I thought of punishing the rest by switching "good" alignments to "neutral" for Tari and Szivem.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Painting a barwench


A medieval barwench for MAGUS. The inspiration for her outfit is the present-day Oktoberfest apparel. Well, leaning a bit on the medieval fantasy side, of course.

Blond hair