'Let life bloom!' - cried Virulax, and spat. The phlegm arced across the land, landing amidst several arcane trinkets. The earth blackened and twisted, heaved and gave birth to a wonderful Feculent Gnarlmaw. The corrupted tree grew to an impressive size at once, fed by the latent energies of the structures. Virulax grinned, and gathered his phlegm once more... then swallowed it all in surprise. All around the tree, mushrooms popped into existence. By the Grandfather! several even grew on the Gnarlmaw itself. Of course, they withered away in seconds, but still, the offense was immeasurable. Virulax sputtered and reached for his blade. Alongside, the Bringer of the Pox stepped up.
'Great One, this seems... oddly familiar.'
The baleful light of the Bad Moon shone upon them, and squigs started howling in the distance.