Thursday, September 29, 2022

Painting converted Obliterators


Nothing new about these boys, mostly inspired by the first two Obliterators.


Prime Leadbelcher, but cover the statues with tape.

Start with the armor

Paint all the fleshy growths and the plasma coils. Do the 'purity seal' as here, this should really become a painting tip.

Paint the small wires in all sorts of flashy Contrast colors.


Marble for the statue fragments, silver plate with Militarum Green over, cobblestone colors for the mulched up ruins in between.


These guys were my test run for runes on the armor. I first tried Black Templar...

But it's barely visible on the dark red armor. I tried Silver as well, but it needs that black underneath to really shine, and I just can't do each squiggly line twice. In the end, the winner was Grey Seer!


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