Monday, August 12, 2024

Free Folk vs Lannisters, 04.07.2024

One last game before the tournament - A clash of kings. I had hoped to try my second list with this game, but with just one unit of cavalry, the infantry horde marched unto the table. I was way too excited to take pictures at first. This is already the second round. Not much had happened during the first, except I managed to pin the enemy cavalry in place in fear of my outflanking Spearwives. Then I marched up the trappers on the flank to harass Tywin and his halberdiers.

This was also the first time I tried 3 NCUs (and still had 7 combat units). It was an interesting dance. In the first rounds, we rushed to place our NCUs so as not to waste any of them. In the final rounds, it was a struggle to decide what to do.

With the Mountain's Men clamped on an objective and the Bolton cavalry guarding the back, I had free reign to move up the board.

I let the Lannisters score 2-1 in round 2. I moved my troops up and around, surrounding the red in the middle.

Then, it was charge after charge. Mauled by the boar and some raiders, the crossbowmen retreated without firing. Bolton's cavalry missed their charge.

Round 4 began with 4-2 for the Lannisters, as I was in no hurry to take on the halberdiers. I had multiple units decimated by panic checks, but the spearwives did well against the cavalry, and held them in place.

I had the boar maul the crossbowmen again, then sent in Raiders to fight the Halberdiers. Final strike and all, they still weren't going down.

So I retreated and sent in the Thenns. This finally killed off Tywin's unit. And in a surprise moment of accidental tactical genius, netted me a bunch of points for killing off the enemy commander with my commander.

Round 5 had me collect a lot of points, with the enemy pinned and unable to recover. The Trappers finally died to the Bolton cavalry, but, to my great surprise, was the only unit to die (except the boar, but nobody cares about that). I even marched the 3-man Raider unit out of danger, and the Mountain's Men failed their final charge, attempting to take out Styr and his Thenns.

It was nice to win a game after some time, and cemented my belief in a horde list. 

I'm not 100% convinced on the 3 NCU setup, but I'll have the occasion to test it out during the tournament.

Probably even more raiders would be nice.

Other than that, I'll go back to the drawing board after. Try out something new and light.

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