Friday, June 5, 2015

Warhammer workout

Time to introduce a new label: "health"!

What can your Warhammer hobby do for you health? Not much. You're usually sitting around, assembling and painting models. Now this isn't a concern if you have an otherwise active lifestyle, but if you have a desk job like I do, this is in fact bad for you.
One thing I always try to do is never to sit down during games. This means an occasional 2+ hours of standing/walking around. Now this isn't a huge effort, but make no mistake, it can tire you out! Still, it's not much help.
And now, for the solution! While watching a battle report on YouTube, someone mentioned at the end about a Warhammer-themed workout he'd introduced. I liked the idea, so here's how it goes:
  • Print/write a table with the exercises you're planning on doing. The table starts blank.
  • For every game that you've won, draw a line in any field.
  • For every game that you've lost, draw two lines in any field(s).
  • When exercising, do the math!
  • This way, the more you play, the more you exercise.
  • The more you win, the less you exercise.
  • Thus your inner sloth (which you can't deny) will compel you to win games!
Here's my chart:

I left some cells empty, as I plan on expanding the workout with more exercises.
My score is currently 2-2 for 40k and 2-2 for WFB, so that's 12 lines.
My goal is now to do this set of exercises 3 times every week. Let's see how that works out!

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