Thursday, December 5, 2024

Converting and painting a Word Bearers Predator

I bought this second hand back for the Ulpia campaign and it functioned well in a narrative setting - given that it was assembled with two different kinds of sponsoons! After the Vindicator, which was relatively easy to do, I wanted to crack this tough nut, converting the tank to modern 40k.

High quality photos taken by GM Photography.


This is the original tank body. The turret was left unglued. I closed off the holes using plasticard and magnets on the inside. So the turret can be rotated, and I will be able to switch it out with an autocannnon turret later.

For the sponsoons, I found some IG heavy weapon bits (I think). I initially thought of building the gun casings using plasticard, but then I happened upon these boxnaught arm casings, so I reused them. Rotate them as needed to fit the guns and keep the casing exterior reasonable.

Drill the tops of the sponsoons, and the underside of the joints on the tank.

Then I had to cover up the loyalist texts. I also decided to add bling to the original sponsoons. Here's some evil books and chaos seals from GreenStuffWorld.

I added trim using L-shaped plasticard. 

Pin a HK missile launcher to a plasticard pipe filled with green stuff and a magnet on the end. Drill a magnet into the turret.

Mutilate the storm bolter (it had already fallen apart at the middle seam) and add a plasma bit on the other side for a combi weapon.

The hatch opening was left unglued, so do the same as for the turret: close off with plasticard, and glue magnets inside. So the hatch can be rotated, and I will be able to place it on a different turret as well, later.

Finally, drill the exhausts.


Speed painted Word Bearers armor for days.

Painting facebooks (hue hue) was new. I wet blended Gore Grunta Fur for the leather and Fyreslayer Flesh for the face. Highlight the leather Heavy Orange, then mix in Heavy Skintone for the flesh.

More things to paint:

And some more fun inscriptions on the books and scrolls.

Finish off by weathering the hull and the tracks.


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