Thursday, December 19, 2024

Painting Casterly Rock Honor Guard

Next up in the line of Lannister troops, a squad of Honor Guard. They were hastily primed and half painted to show some color for a tournament, and it shows. They were heavily overprimed, with some details obscured and large bubbles in the recesses. I tried my best to give them a nice paintjob.

Original state

Painted as seen.

But grossly overprimed.


I gave up on the original paintjob and repainted the shield (Scarlet Red), the gold (Glorious Gold) and the silver (Leadbelcher) going for the same effect as on the Kingsguard.

Coat Nuln Oil Gloss. At this step I noticed the overpriming on the regular armored surfaces. The wash barely went into any recesses. I gave up on the idea of drawing their armor details (such as the motifs on the shoulderplate) gold.

Re-paint the skirts and cloak Scarlet Red, to cover up the silver splodges. Paint the banner Baal Red, then Flesh Tearers Red. Pretty similar.

Finish up the non-metallic details.

Finish the metallic highlights: Polished Gold, Silver.


Lannister base: orange rock/sand and greenery.


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