Thursday, February 4, 2016

Kazron, Herald of Khorne (Escalation League character background story)

Kazron is a simple creature.

Daemonic Heralds are usually created to lead their lesser kin. Even Kazron's own Khornate blood brothers formulate crude stratagems to better slaughter the foe. Kazron does not. He only knows two thoughts: "Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull throne!".

Sometimes, he commands the fast elements of the army - the Flesh Hounds and the Bloodcrushers - to charge forth first, so that they reach the enemy as quickly as possible.

Sometimes, he howls the ritual chants behind hills and ruins, so that his army is protected from the enemy's cowardly shots.

Sometimes, he thinks during the battle.

Mostly, he does not.

In most cases, Kazron takes his place in the midst of a legion of Bloodletters. He bellows to the four winds his only prayers, his only commands: "Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull throne!" The host then surges forward. Each of them is left to their own devices, and that is fine. They all want to achieve the same objectives. Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull throne!


It was a glorious day, just like that, when Kazron earned his 888th skull. His legions sprinted towards the enemy lines.

Of the thousands of Daemons, barely a fraction reached the trenches.

Of the thousands of cowards, none lived to see another day.


All this passed through Kazron's mind, before being drowned out by a singular need.

Blood for the Blood God!

The wretched servants of Slaanesh swarmed the hills across the horizon. Their very odor sent the Bloodletters into a frenzy. Kazron could have held them back. He did not.

The battle lines entangled quickly. Droves of Daemonettes died under the Hellblades, screaming ecstatically. Kazron found himself face to face with the Daemon Prince Hezdekai. They circled each other, bellowing challenges. Khorne will be pleased this day...

The next moment, the battlefield exploded in a hail of high explosives. Plasma shots and solid missiles tore into the Daemonic hosts, butchering them regardless of allegiance.

Kazron hates Slaaneshi Daemons.

He hates mortals even more.

Recognition flickered in Hezdekai's eyes. In a second, a fragile alliance was forged. Mortal enemies became uneasy battle brothers to combat a common foe.

Howling praises to their Dark Gods, the Daemons threw themselves at the Tau lines.

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