Monday, September 17, 2018

Menace in the Zarek Valley - How to get sick

As the adventurers descend into the depths of the mines, sickness starts to get a hold of them...

But first, loot! The kobolds were guarding their young - kobold children, who were sick. The adventurers decided they didn't care about them, and left them there.

In the depths, they encountered a hall lined with corpses. The stench was unbearable. And as they were crossing the hall... the corpses animated.

Dead miners and kobolds alike rose up to battle the intruders.

After defeating the zombies, the party decided it would be a good idea to set the corpses on fire. IN A MINE. They rushed out to escape asphyxiation, and rested near the entrance.  By morning, they were all... down with the sickness. Of course, since the disease only inflicted CON damage and not regular damage, nobody batted an eye.

They went back in the day after, after the smoked cleared a bit. The kobold children were of course dead from disease and smoke. Who cares.

Finally, the party descended into what was once a beautifully worked hall - now a corrupted place lined with demonic statues.

The new caretaker, a disgusting demon overflowing with pus and goo, was none too pleased at the interruption.

From his cauldron of goo, he summoned forth mounds of cheerful little creatures, who set about attacking the adventurers with glee.

The adventurers barely made it through; although looking back, I'm pretty sure that they did not, in fact, understand how CON damage works. Oh well. I may or may not have the possibility in the near future to try this again.

Anyway, after the demon died, the well cleared up; and the town council agreed to send shipments of discount iron to aid the war effort. Everybody was still recuperating, so no direct involvement in the war. Good enough.

1 comment:

  1. The cleric and druid spent sleepless nights taking care of the sick paladin so he doesn't die. I think at least one of them will remember the CON damage.
