Obviously, looting came first.
The last chamber was very obviously of importance, with a stone throne and wall hangings, but no treasure. The adventurers noticed some grooves in the in the ground, as well as a bowl of sorts carved into the floor in the center. At first, they arranged corpses and such at the end of each groove, but weight did not activate anything. They then poured liquids into the bowl, sending it down the grooves, activating a hidden door. They got their hands on several potions. They then immediately wasted several healing potions on the very dead cleric.[2]
Dismayed at being unable to raise the cleric, the adventurers carried his lifeless corpse back to Travensburg. Lord Mayor Traven gave his thanks and assured his cooperation.
======== DM SWITCH! ========
At this point I let Groin's player take over as DM.
======== DM SWITCH! ========
The adventurers visited the temples of Travensburg, seeking help and guidance. One elderly priest told them of the legend of the fountain of life: a mythical place somewhere in the mountains. According to the legend, the fountain had been there in the days of the Empire (about 200-300 years past), when a large host of monsters descended from the mountains. The Imperial Legions were on the verge of defeat, when a captain went ahead to drink from the fountain. He was then unmatched in combat; any wound he suffered was instantly healed.
Seeing the opportunity, the party left in search of the fountain (still carrying Groin's lifeless corpse).
On the road, they met my own character: Zyn, the dark-elf wizard, who had fled his home in the Underdark[3]. Afraid and alone in the strange world above ground, he had no problem joining any party that would take him in.[4]
The adventurers did reach a decrepit fountain, and there met an old man called Fe. He was, in fact, the spirit of the fountain. As the fountain degraded, so did his powers; and so, he was unable to stop a warlock from stealing the last drop of magical water. He directed the adventurers towards the warlock's mansion, and off we were.[5]
The warlock was having a field day, having just constructed a wife/companion of sorts using spare body parts, and was just about administrating the magical water to his construct. He would have accepted to part with the water in exchange for services, but the adventurers were having none of it. Time for combat!
The warlock was far from defenseless, and a couple of gargoyles animated and swooped down towards the adventurers.
Combat was long and bloody.
But the adventurers prevailed.
======== DM SWITCH! ========
I took over as DM again.
======== DM SWITCH! ========
Groin was administered the water, and he came back to life. Zyn decided that he liked the place, and would stay there for the time being.
All's well that ends well.[6]
[1] Not because they liked him; but because he was their healer.
[2] They poured it down his throat. They bathed his wounds in it. When all else failed, they tried an enema.
[3] In pretty rough circumstances, I might add.
[4] I was delighted to finally play a bit myself! Although I did provide counseling in the adventure that follows, and so I tried to ensure that I won't steal the show. In short, Zyn did not speak Common at this point.
[5] Zyn was pretty confused about all this. Why go to all this trouble about a dead guy?
[6] A swell adventure, where a lot of fun was had. I was glad that at least one of my players got to experience how it is to sit on the other side of the DM screen. And how well the players go along with your created adventure. That is, not at all. The guy had a lot of materials prepared for the sub-quests given by the warlock, with multiple ways to solve them. Instead, we just killed the poor bastard.
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