Lacking time and inspiration for longer projects, I decided on another simple venture.
Prime in black.
Red body and feathers
Basecoat Heavy Red.
Overall Black Wash.
Edge highlight Gore Red.
Edge highlight Bloody Red.
Overall glaze with Bloodletter (no pic).
Then superhighlight with a 1:1 mix of Orange Fire and Bloody Red.
Paint the flames as per the painting tip. Highlight the flames with Fluorescent Yellow.
We already have enough flames on the models, so I went for a simplified look based on this lava base.
Basecoat black, then heavy drybrush Sombre Grey, then lighter drybrush Wolf Grey.
I wasn't too happy with that, the drybrush looked too artificial. I washed it with Agrax Earthshade. Now it looks more like properly scorched earth.
I almost called them finished, but their faces were too nondescript.
White Primer on beaks and eyes.
Scorpion Green eyes.
Heavy Goldbrown beaks, highlighted with Sun Yellow.
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