Monday, July 29, 2019

Stormvault campaign: Maggotkin vs Skaventide, 25.07.2019


Once again, the Bringer of the Pox trudged along the horde of Plaguebearers. At least the landscape was greener; he noticed several copses of trees, ready to be corrupted and turned into Feculent Gnarlmaws. They approached the remains of some sort of settlement. It may have been prosperous once; but with the discovery of the Stormvaults in this region, war had sprung up and driven the people away. A pity. He would have enjoyed sowing despair among them.

The Bringer was jolted out of his reverie by a change of note in the pipes. Now what did the Plaguebearers notice? And ugh, what was that smell? Not the sweet rot of Grandfather's garden, not the delicious decay, just simply... a stench. Ratmen.

The Bringer made a note to demote the Drones of the Plague. They made for terrible scouts.

Battleplan: Meeting Engagement, the Raid

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Painting a dwarf (fyreslayer) berzerker


A just for fun project, with no ulterior motives! I bought this miniature for a bargain price from eBay as I lack dwarves for RPGs (so no, I am not starting a Fyreslayer army). It is part of a string of short projects that I want to finish after my long running Plague Drones.

Monday, July 22, 2019

M.A.G.U.S. - Mucking through monster fights

The adventurers settled down, preparing for the fight.

To have a little fun before, I asked the barbarian whether he'd prefer Eulalia, our guide, to leave him alone. He acquiesced. I had her join me in prayer, and finished the chanting off with an emotion redirecting spell. Yes, I made an inexperienced young maiden from a backwater village fall out of love with the muscle-bound barbarian, and instead feel the same towards a woman. Looking about in horror, she ran off. Great.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Plague Drones finished!

Painting Plague Drones


I had 3 Plague Drones since the dawn of time. They were a pretty good buy too, if you don't consider one missing wing. Now that that's fixed, I can finally get around to painting them. I've also added one more to their number, picked up from a different source.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Storm King's part 22 - GUHHHH

As we enter the big hall we are amazed by the immensity off all we see. The biggest  creature we ever encountered lays before our eyes. The goblins are feeding her immense piles  of food, the less careful ones are also eaten among the food they deliver.

Storm King's part 21 - Selene with 3 men in the bathroom & Ireth will find the way

The writings are a bit mixed this time so where one session ends and the other begins is a little fuzzy…

So after we leave the Inn we meet some Zentharim members that have some secrets to share only with the members of the guild. So Selene goes with the 3 men to the bathroom to find those secrets, hence the name of this session. What happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom so may we all never find out the truth. AMEN!!![1]

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Dark earth base with deep toxic puddles

These bases are proof of concept for a future project, and a test run for some Plague Drones. I decided to experiment on expanding on the toxic puddle by adding water effects.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Age of Sigmar Stormvault campaign

Introduction (lore)
Maggotkin vs Legion of Grief, 04.07.2019
Maggotkin vs Skaventide, 25.07.2019
Maggotkin vs Gloomspite Gitz, 08.08.2019
Maggotkin vs Gloomspite Gitz, 2019.09.10
Maggotkin vs Stormcast Eternals, 2019.10.08

Stormvault campaign: Maggotkin vs Legion of Grief, 04.07.2019


The Drones of the Plague had ranged far ahead, in search of the once-hidden structure. Virulax himself had lagged behind, to enjoy a moment of play with his favorite Nurglings. It was left to the Bringer of the Pox to march through the arid wasteland with the Plaguebearers. They had climbed a stone stairway leading into nothing to have a better look around - and just in time! A horde of vengeful specters was closing in on them, a horrific maiden at their head.

Battleplan: Meeting Engagement, Borderline

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Age of Sigmar - Stormvault campaign introduction

Virulax and his host marched along the streets of the Rotten City. Plaguebearers thronged on both sides, chanting his praise.

Well, not his praise particularly, but Virulax let himself shed a single tear, nevertheless. One slimy, puss-filled glob of liquid erupted from his rheumy left eye... A second later, the Great Unclean One changed his mind, and with a single swipe of his tongue, he flicked the liquid into his mouth.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Menace in the Zarek Valley - Pink fog and notes passed around

Alla finds the party in their sorry state. She stabilizes the dying, then quickly proceeds to bring forward her goblin prisoners, and intimidates them by ripping the spine out of their former boss. Impressed by this feat of strength, they quickly accept her authority. She cannot help Szivem, but she advises the adventurers to seek the aid of the elves. They were their next target anyway, so the party heads out, after having received food and goblin beer.[1]

Menace in the Zarek Valley - Weddings day

The adventurers carry on after a short rest. They do go down on a forest road, sneaking up on a bunch of goblins.