Golden Vault

We embarked upon a new quest, a series[1] of heist-type adventures with an almost brand-new DM[2]. Some serious thought went into this, with a set of homebrew rules, which I won't detail here, as they are honestly just common sense.

The set up: there is a mysterious organization called the Golden Vault who supposedly do good by, erm, committing crimes. Working for them results in various benefits, not least of which is monetary compensation. This is more than enough for most adventurers, including our own crew:

  • Arik, human cleric Grog, human barbarian
  • Aris, deep gnome wizard
  • Teek, firbolg cleric
  • Thaldor, mountain dwarf fighter
  • Tinkerbell, fairy rogue
  • 50 Copper, dark elf rogue[3]
  • Zermong, eladrin wizard
  • Armatio, warforged cleric
  • Silver Devil, human bard

After a short session 0, we were on to our first heist. Definitely no metagaming going forwards!

[1] Or, at least that is the plan.

[2] Previously: Lighthouse under attack: a D&D 5E one-shot

[3] Yeah, that's me, in case you hadn't guessed. I have expertise in performance, can rap and beatbox, besides dealing drugs and talking smooth.

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