Monday, May 13, 2024

Golden Vault: Gnomeregan part 2

After a quick recap and some pointers to the new player, we resumed our battle. Some players were missing, with Sparky's precarious position facing 2 robo-dogs replaced by our new bard, Silverface. 

We worked on killing the dogs first, but we couldn't take down a surveillance drone before it called in more of them. Using his goose feathered boots, Thaldor flew up unto the rooftops, leaving the shield guardian to break through the houses in an effort to get at us.

We beat them all in the end, but the big robot started emitting some laughing noises. Thaldor went to investigate, and it blew up in his face.

We tried getting into the locked down facility, to no avail. We were reminded of the giant drill machine in the miner quarter. Sigh. Not over yet. On to more exploring.

Our first stop was the tavern, The Mother Lode. It was all broken up, and we found a mecha-gnome drinking at the bar. I tried a friendly exchange, but he was quite stuck up, and Tinkerbell attacked. Having no choice, I joined in. After a couple of shots, the gnome teleported away.

We looted some whisky and went to check on the previously skipped turbine room. One robo dog was caught in the cogwheels, so we let it free by killing it. Then, we could control the bridges and lights. Out of spite, I made discolights in the overlook to annoy Tixi.

On to the mining district. We found the mining machine (and a sentient black puddle guarding it), with a gnome locked inside. I sweet talked him to get out, and he agreed to help us drill into the armored building.

But first, let's see the mining guild. Unfortunately, there was nothing but a ghost throwing pickaxes at us.

With nothing else to do, we escorted the mining machine across a bridge and up to the workshop with the failsafe. The noise attracted some surveillance drones and a dog, but we shot them down.

One inside, we discovered the failsafe device surrounded by a magic circle trapped with Crown of Madness, and it also required a key. The old wizard remembered the safe upstairs. I opened the safe, and Tixi teleported in with two robo dogs.

'Parry this, you filthy casual!' - I whispered, lying on the floor half dead, while critting a dog.

Tixi teleported away after receiving a sound beating. We took the key, and Tinkerbell used his mage hand to activate the failsafe.

On to the overlook!

With the robots down, we marched in without need for stealth. Thaldor made friends with a giant lizard by feeding it, then we threw in some blind grenades and charged Tixi's control center.

The grenades were resisted, and Tixi was quite tough with multiple attacks, reactions, area effects etc. All for nought. We broke open the gnome's body, and Silverface reached in to rip out the beating heart (which was actually a mechanical gem).

Tixi died, we took the corpse into the bag of holding, along with 5 intact dog corpses and whatever was in the safe. We collected our rewards, and marched back home.

Great success.

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