Thursday, May 30, 2024

Painting an elf sorceress

While batch painting some army minis, I happened upon this lady primed and ready to go since last year. Now I do have some skintone painting tips but I am aware that they are blocky and rough - especially on female models. I decided to experiment some here, given the larger areas of exposed skin.


Primed Wraithbone. I painted the skin first, doing other details during drying times.

I started the skin with an overall basecoat of Heavy Skintone.

Wet blend Elf Skintone (appropriately) on the raised areas. Lowlight pure Heavy Skintone.

I wasn't 100% happy with it so I went back and forth, blending and feathering the colors. Then I painted in all other details, messing up and slopping over unto the skin. So I cleaned it up with a mix of the two skintones. Not possible without a wet palette.

Paint in the rest of the details:

I tested Aeldari Emerald and it has the literal same color as Vallejo Jade. I did the gemstone with a progression of Jade mixed with Dead White. I blended Aeldari Emerald with Striking Scorpion Green on the flaming orb, then highlighted at the same time as the gem.


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