Thursday, May 23, 2024

Magnetizing and converting Scout Sentinels

Based on this excellent guide but with some changes and changing the pilots to nuns.

Magnetized weapon mounts

The left side of the hull takes two magnets. I initially added a 2mm magnet in the small inset, but I ran out of 2mms and tried to add a 3mm one. The square is actually 3mm wide so all's well.

Snip off the cone and drill the underside - another 3mm for the chainsaw.

Pilot exchange

The nun is slightly wider than the original pilot, so after multiple dryfits I decided to cut up the interior of the cockpit to make room.

Also note that I drilled through several times when inserting magnets (and drilling through the underside is a given), so plug those gaps using milliput.

The nun pilot includes the seat, but the cockpit also already has a seat - hence the lack of space. I cut her up. The feet aren't visible anyway.

Magnetized weapons

Yes, I did all 3 assembly lien style. Too much.

Some notes: drill the small inset of the plasma cannon, then glue it to the main piece. Otherwise you'll have no space to drill. Anything else is pretty straightforward.

I also decided to skip magnetizing all the small inset stuff. Things like separate chargers for the lascannon and multilaser. I'll just the small antenna meant for the other guns.

Also magnetize the hunter-killer missiles as here.


Glue the 3-part cockpit. 

Pad the pilot with a bit of putty, then push her in.

Glue on the rest of the accessories.

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