Monday, December 16, 2019

Painting a herbalist girl


A Reaper Bones Black miniature for MAGUS - got to get that herbalism bonus!


Prime white.

A simple green progression on the dress. Basecoat Heavy Green, wash Biel-Tan Green. Highlight Sick Green, then 1:1 mix with Escorpena Green, then pure Escorpena Green, diluted so it won't pop that much.

Light and medium leathers on the apron, sack and pouches. Dark brown hilt and shoes. Silver sickle and band on the container. Black leather container. Brown hair. Light skintone.

Hair clasps in Heavy Red, then highlight Hot Orange - just a spot of color.

Warm white sleeves and collar. Eyes. Face.

I wasn't happy with how undistinct the plants in her bag and hand were, so I drybrushed Dead Flesh. Then it popped too much, so I applied Waywatcher Green as an overall glaze.

I painted the flowers in Warlord Purple with Heavy Goldbrown middles, then washed the petals in Carroburg Crimson and highlighted Squid Pink.

Basing and after-work

Woodland base.

Have some mud on her apron and hand by stipling on Typhus Corrosion, then slight drybrush Bonewhite.


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