Thursday, December 19, 2019

Painting Jade, dancing girl


The last miniature which I'm painting for MAGUS for a while, for more dancing and other social type bonuses. From Reaper Miniatures.


Simplified black hair. Eyes. Face.

Simple gold progression: Glorious Gold, Reikland Fleshshade, Polished Gold.

I decided to go further with the face and do some makeup.
I painted Guilliman Blue in the area between the eyes and the eyebrows for a hint of an eyeliner.
I painted Bloodletter red glaze over the cheeks.

Light blue clothes, much like the cloak of this sorceress. I also did the fingernails and the shoes in the same color.

And now, to push it further, I decided to simulate translucent silky clothes. In any areas where the clothes are very form fitting and tight, I glazed over Heavy Skintone, heavily diluted with medium.

Highlight with heavily diluted Elf Skintone, and a dot of Charred Brown for the nipples.

Glaze the entire cloth in Guilliman Blue.



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