Thursday, June 27, 2024

Commission over a zenithal applied by airbrush

Along with the Contrast-commission-type minis, I also received four to be painted normally. I primed them at the same time, so we're working with a half-baked zenithal over here. Some experiments going on to keep things interesting as well.

Noble lady

This is where I finalized the Dark pink scheme. I also tried a reddish pink scheme on the main dress, but I still dislike it, so forget it.

I tried a new light yellowy wood based on Contrast paints, but forgot to take pictures. Also it's a small surface. I liked it, so we'll have a go at it later as well. It goes: Skeleton Horde, Cassandora Yellow, then Agrax Earthshade gradient at one end, and Bonewhite highlights at the other.

Carry on with some established painting tips:

    Elven smith

    I started painting her in natural colors (as you do with elves) when I realized that her face is a horrible mess. While contemplating the solution, I applied some painting tips.

    Blend Basilicanum Grey/Iyanden Yellow/Gryph Hound Orange/Blood Angels Red with some final highlights for the forged blade.

    And a simple green progression on the leaves around the stump.

    After consulting the client, we decided on a blindfold. Same red progression as her hair tie.


    I wanted to make this guy rather aristocratic, so Purple cloth which goes well with the yellowy Light leatherCold white pants and quill, Dark leather boots, medium skintonemetallic details later. This mini has at least one open eye.

    Writing in the book, otherwise what are we here for.

    For the book covers, I tried an orange leather. Gryph Hound Orange, then Agrax Earthshade. 

    Highlight Elf Skintone.


    Again for something new, I tried a dark yellow overcoat. Nazdreg Yellow, then Reikland Fleshshade. Later highlighted Elf Skintone, then Flayed One Flesh.

    Fill out the rest:

    Finally, I decided on this fancy feather. Basecoat two layers of Pylar Glacier, then do the back half Frostheart and feather out. Highlight with a 1:1 mix of Electric Blue and Dead White.


    Woodland base. 


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