Monday, May 25, 2020

Wrath and Glory: Practice session

After the original attempt at Wrath and Glory, I decided to dig in by purchasing the digital rulebook and assembling a second party. This time, we started with custom made characters at Tier 2[1].

In no particular order:
  • Thrakus, the Dark Angels scout armed with a heavy bolter
  • Warder, the sanctioned psyker
  • Sister Palmulata, sister of battle
  • Tass, skitarius

For the first session, I decided to just practice the combat rules. We did end up spending the first hour or so reviewing the character sheets and dealing with outstanding questions, but the remaining time was sufficient for two large battles.

We played on The pictures are just reconstructions, as I was way too busy to take screenshots while playing.

The party opened the door into a large hangar to find (number of PCs)x3 cultists armed with autoguns milling around. Fortunately, the battle was easy (the cultists barely inflicted some shock damage here and there), and we could focus on the rules.

The second time, the hangar was full of combat servitors. I seized the initiative and got stuck into melee fast. The servitors have huge damage potential, but they have a hard time hitting. They are also easy to hit, but have some resilience, being cyborgs and all. The party got desperate as two members went down, but in the end all I managed was a couple of injuries.

It was interesting to observe how the cultists did nothing, while the servitors inflicted a lot of damage - and both are Troop level threats. Ironically, I think the cultists would have benefited from forming Mobs due to the bonus to attack, while the servitors would have died a lot faster. I also regret not having some melee cultists, just to gauge their potential.

[1] I did originally want Tier 1, but there were too many awesome options and the players convinced me.

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