Thursday, July 22, 2021

Painting goblin fanatics


I have an old painted goblin fanatic off eBay - it has already seen action. Now, I decided to paint his two companions to match his color scheme. On closer inspection, I also decided on upping that color scheme.

Original model

Well, not quite. His robes were just basecoated black, which I highlighted. I also put Skeleton Horde on the stark white skull on his cap.

Painting the other two

Prime black, in preparation for the simple black robes.

I wanted to approximate the skintone, and based it Heavy Green first. Too desaturated. I did a coat of Biel-Tan Green to deepen the shadows and re-saturate it, but it accomplished neither.

I basecoated some other areas, to receive a common wash of Nuln Oil. 

Much better. Highlight the skin with Sick Green - pretty close. Also paint the rim of the base with this color. Yes, this is the first rim that I paint in "not black". The things I do to honor tradition...

At this point I also broke out the Contrast paints. I had previously basecoated some areas with Stonewall Grey when doing the final highlights on the black robe, just to do something with the paint. I basecoated the remaining areas with Wraithbone. Then: Skeleton Horde teeth, claws, and bone decoration. Snakebite Leather ropes. Blood Angels Red gums (again, to resemble the old model) and Volupus Pink tongue.

To differentiate the claws from the other bone colored areas, I went over with Nuln Oil.

Also Blood Angels Red eyes.

I did a single layer of highlights on these very small details: Squid Pink tongue, Bonewhite on all bone areas and ropes.

Finally, highlight the metals: Chainmail Silver on the Leadbelcher ball and chain (to maintain a dirty weathered look). Brassy Brass on the same basecoat for the small rattle at the end of the cap.


Woodland base.


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