Monday, August 23, 2021

Chaos Daemons vs Yellow Scars, 2021.08.04


We set up the table, cutting off the part of the mat where the Yellow Scars are gathered. We had the secondaries from GT2021, but not the missions... so we rolled Retrieval Mission from the core book.


I picked sides, and decided on the end where I could better hide my big guys, as far forward as possible. By big guys I mean Be'lakor, plus my two usual Bloodthirsters. 3x10 Bloodletters awaited in the warp to claw their way into reality. The Scars deployed forward on their right flank, counting on the support of the Outriders. The ATVs deployed somewhat centrally, intent on taking the field whichever way needed.

Yellow Scars, turn 1

Intercessors take the left flank objective, while the mobile right flank pushes forward. 

Daemons, turn 1

With the marines already in my territory,  I had no choice but to push forward.

To my surprise, the Bloodthirster actually made his 9-10" charge and slaughtered the Incursor squad despite Transhuman Physiology.

Yellow Scars, turn 2

Retaliation was swift. The marines' shooting left the monster at 1 wound (despite Warp Surge) and they finished him off in combat, taking back the objective.

Daemons, turn 2

Be'lakor sprang out and also made his charge, killing 4 marines and leaving the sergeant alive with ObSec on the objective. Go greatest daemon prince of Chaos.

Yellow Scars, turn 3

The marines converged on Be'lakor, who heroically withstood all the shooting.

I managed to cast Pall of Despair on the Dreadnought the turn before, and he did not dare charge in with the fight-last debuff. The Bladeguards came in though, taking it with Transhuman and only losing 1. Go Be'lakor, prince of endless disappointment.

The Skullcannon was also holding out, but failing every turn to actually do something. I couldn't even kill a 4 wound Apothecary.

Daemons, turn 3

Be'lakor managed to clear the Bladeguards due to lack of Transhuman. I failed Pall of Despair, even with a reroll.

Speaking of which, the other Bloodthirster barely scratched the Outriders, thanks to Transhuman.

At least all the Bloodletters came in to make points by holding objectives, retrieving data and engage on all fronts.

Yellow Scars, turn 4

The Scars regrouped, with the Apothecary healing all damage.

Be'lakor could no longer take it. Concentrated shooting took him down to 5, and the Dreadnought charged in, taking him out.


I tried some plays for more points, but the following turn, the Scars just executed almost everything on the board.

I try to take losses in good humor, but this match depressed me more than usual. The board is too large to get across in one turn, and Be'lakor was lucky to get across in 2. I tried to place a lot of terrain, but still got shot to pieces. Secondaries aren't great.
Perhaps I shouldn't hold back and just run all my monsters across the board from the get-go? Giving them piecemeal like this really doesn't work.

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