While batch painting some army minis, I happened upon this lady primed and ready to go since last year. Now I do have some skintone painting tips but I am aware that they are blocky and rough - especially on female models. I decided to experiment some here, given the larger areas of exposed skin.
Documenting the winding journey from beginning wargaming and PnP RPG-s, through low budget solutions, to a growing collection of painted miniatures and a veritable chronicle of games and campaigns.
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Painting a D&D clay golem
I painted this chap along with the metal constructs, thinking about common basing. However, as he is all brown, I decided otherwise.
Painting metallic D&D constructs
It's been ages since I painted new minis for our ongoing campaign. So here's some Scaladar for Dungeon of the Mad Mage, and some other constructs.
Monday, May 27, 2024
A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game Tournament Game 3: Starks vs Neutrals
By the third game, I was already pretty tired, so less pictures. Alas, I met my match in this Jokin-led neutral list.
A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game Tournament Game 2: Starks vs Free Folk
Game 2 against the Free Folk in a room with much better lighting. This time, I planned a refuse flank on the other side. I never fought a giant before!
A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game Tournament Game 1: Starks vs Lannisters
For the first game of the day, I faced a double guard Lannister list led by the Clegane brothers. I was still fresh and took many pictures.
I faced my Tully cavalry against the Lannister cavalry and infantry, and left only the Stark outriders across the crossbowmen.
A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game Tournament
This event was a small 4-man affair. Still a great leap for me, as I had played but a handful of games before. Still, I quite enjoy the system, so I joined in. I was feeling a bit sick though, so it took some time to edit the pictures and write the battle reports. As such, they are dry and lack detail. Nevertheless, I enjoyed meeting and playing new people.
As for the games themselves, I took an army that I had never played before due to some limitations. I still managed to roll over my first two opponents, but got stuck in a similarly elite list. Here's the list of games:
So, 3rd out of 4 isn't bad.
The game is very nice, matches go by quickly and 3 games in a day is an achievable feat. Looking forward to the next one!
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Painting Scout Sentinels
After all the conversion and LED work, I was absolutely through with these models. Only tried and tested techniques here.
LED streets light on the scout sentinel bases
I wanted to LED up the sentinels, but the miniature itself has no interior space to hide the circuitry. I decided to experiment with something new. I bought these ages ago when I started doing LEDs in miniatures. I decided to hide everything in between the basing material. Buckle up.
Magnetizing and converting Scout Sentinels
Based on this excellent guide but with some changes and changing the pilots to nuns.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Monday, May 20, 2024
A Song of Ice and Fire: Starks vs Bolton Neutrals, 07.05.2024
We did a game tournament-style, with 2 lists prepared. I wanted to try my horde Starks, with 3 dire wolves and a bunch of infantry units. I went up against an elite Bolton-led neutral list.
I was immediately shocked by the power of Golden Company Crossbowmen, lead by Mr. Jokin. With all the other units around, they shoot out a lot of bolts, and if they manage to attack twice per turn, and also fire their overwatch twice per turn with the help of cards, they can effectively create a no-go zone in the middle.
It also helped that I rolled 4x 1" charges, failing a close one with my Karstark Loyalists. They were immediately obliterated. See the large hole on my right flank.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Creating and painting Astra Militarum Field Ordnance
Troublemaker Games has these wonderful heavy mortar/pipe organ rocket launcher things that are perfect as Field Ordnance for my nun army, counting as Bombast field guns and Malleus rocket launchers, respectively.
Monday, May 13, 2024
Golden Vault: Gnomeregan part 2
After a quick recap and some pointers to the new player, we resumed our battle. Some players were missing, with Sparky's precarious position facing 2 robo-dogs replaced by our new bard, Silverface.
Golden Vault: Gnomeregan part 1
No, it's not actually called Gnomeregan. It was on our brain, though. A deep gnome city in the Underdark is overrun with killer robots and they need us to save it. We gathered some superficial info in Waterdeep, then started on our merry way. Right into a grell ambush. Good thing for my weapon of warning.
Golden Vault: Prison break part 2
I didn't write a part 1 because I missed part 1 of this adventure. The group was hired by a clan of dwarves to open their safe. Or, actually, to get the information on how to open the safe. Which we couldn't access. And the only person who can open the safe is inside a prison. But we don't actually have to break her out. Just get the intel. Oh, and by the way, the prison is the same one we saw in the D&D movie. But no Jonathan this time.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Painting Stark Bowmen
My third squad for ASOIAF, clad in the way I like to do fantasy miniatures in general: brown leathers and a colored surcoat.
Monday, May 6, 2024
A Song of Ice and Fire: Free Folk vs Lannisters , 03.04.2024
We switched armies, in my first experiment since trying out the Lannisters for the first time. I built an infantry heavy horde, while the Lannisters brought up the Clegane brothers.
Round 1 went by with no particular happenings, just maneuvering. Then round 2 started and I realized that I messed up the turn order and my outflanking spearwives were only coming in round 3. Desperate to stall, I sent forward the boar to tie down the crossbowmen. It was a heroic effort, and it died, but fully accomplished its goal.
Thursday, May 2, 2024
April review and May goals
Everything was still going great, which is probably why I have caught a bad cold. Got to stop the hobby train, somehow.
This month, D&D was put on the backburner with sessions canceled left and right. I compensated by finishing The One Ring starter adventure, and then playing some 40k. I brought out the Word Bearers, and they did OK.
I also made a deal to commission paint in return for the second-hand airbrush I tried out last month. It... wasn't great, but it shows promise. Expect a box of ASOIAF minis to get done each month.
Painting is coming along nicely and well ahead of schedule. I finished my work-in-progress Astra Militarum miniatures, and started converting a bunch of chaos marines. Soon, I'll pick up the brush again to paint them up.
Well, as soon as I can breathe properly again.
Painting D&D black panther and black bear
Trying to perfect my painting of black, here's two D&D board game pieces as a black panther and black bear.
Painting polar bears
These two DnD boardgame bears were the original polar bears that I experimented on with the color scheme, but I forgot to take photos. So follow the steps outlined here.