Thursday, September 5, 2024

Converting and painting more Word Bearers bikers

I got a bunch of bits some time ago, including some Blood Knight lances. This idea has been floating around my brain ever since.

Arm/weapon conversions

I had some old paint stripped space marine bikers. I ripped off the torsos (as they were all featuring the aquila) and glued on chaos torsos. I scavenged some backpacks and affixed some Kromlech heads. They were advertised as compatible with 28mm but the armored knight heads are a bit small. Oh well.

As with the previous squad, I glued on the left arms of the squaddies - reused the original biker arms. For their melee right arms, I used bolter holder arms, chopped off any bolters, chopped up the lances, then glued them on. They look a bit funny, I should have adjusted the arm stance with green stuff so they could point the lances forward. Oh well.

As for the champion, I did magnetize both his arms. I scrounged up a power fist, and I cobbled together a left arm using a bolter holder arm, plus green stuff. Looks really funny, but the shoulder pad covered it up pretty well.

I realized I needed a second powerfist for my old squad, and I used an AoS Khorne Blood Warrior fist weapon. I also made two melta arms, as usual.

The fist arm wouldn't fit well, so I had to pad out the shoulder joint with green stuff.

Chaos icon

This is some sort of skeleton banner. I chopped off the arm, the bottom spike, and mangled the winged skull. Too bad I'm not painting Night Lords.

I chopped at the skull until I could safely affix a Bloodletter skull from the Citadel skull box.


I based them just like the old squad, by first gluing some sandbags on the bases. Then mount the bikes: pin to the sandbags, glue the back. This one came out best.


See everything from Painting Chaos Space Marine Bikers. Some unique steps:

Drybrush the power fists Electric Blue for a hint of that glow.

More unique inscriptions.


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