Monday, September 30, 2024

Masks of Nyarlathotep: NYC investigation, part 2

Another hard couple of days for the investigators.

We started by getting Archie out of St. Bartholomew's hospital. We really played into it by bringing a gift basket of fried chicken, watermelon and kool-aid.[1] The GM played into it by having a nurse accept some of it as well.

With half a day spent, we followed through our appointment with Jonah Kensington, Elias Jackson's editor. His Prospero Publishing House was to be found in a building full of such places. Kensington was a typical, middle aged, thick glasses kind of guy living in an informal library. He had lots of info to share on Elias and his investigation.

Including a bunch of compiled notes sent by Elias from all over the world - Kenya, Hong Kong, London.

Apparently, Jackson was convinced that some of the Carlyle expedition actually survived; he even talked to a witness who had met one of them, two years after their supposed death. His last excited message, from London, mentioned a world wide conspiracy.

At this point I noticed a twitch on Kensington's face, so I laid on the charm to get him to talk. He showed me Jackson's actual last message in private. It was raving, first about many names, many forms, all towards the same end, then about all the expedition members surviving. It mentioned checking the psychoanalyst's files... a possible reference to Dr. Robert Huston, a member of the expedition. And books in Carlyle's safe. Then on to opening the gates, with the danger being real. The sense of fear was palpable, with Jackson hoping that the ocean - distance - would protect him. Apparently not.

After this revelation, Kensington became withdrawn and the conversation awkward. We left to visit Dr. Mordecai Leming.

Arriving at the Murray Hill Hotel, I charmed the doorman to let us call on the good doctor. Leming, a jovial but senile-like professor type person, gladly talked to us about anything. His apartment was full to the brim with souvenirs from across the globe. After lots of empty talk, Sanchez got out the drawing of the carving on Elias' forehead. Leming recognized it as the symbol of the Bloody Tongue, the death cult mentioned in Elias' notes. And also the headgear of the assassins matched the one of the Bloody Tongue cultists, except that they originally wore a decoration made of human tongues and not a strip of cloth. And also Leming got some of his stuff from the Juju House. We tried getting some more info, but nothing more came, except for one random trivia regarding the Nandi tribe.[2]

We were escorted home by a blizzard breaking out. Unfortunately, it raged through the night and the following day, making our trip to the lawyer's office rather uncomfortable.[3]

Carlton Ramsey also had lots of information for us. Right on the day before his death, Jackson changed his will to leave everything to us, but not at once. To get the inheritance[4], we must go after the Carlyle expedition mystery. Any justified expenses will be covered by Ramsey. Should we solve the case, we'll get the rest of it. He even offered to facilitate communication, should we ever split the party.[5]

Even though the note was jovial, Ramsey described Elias as upset and distracted. Seems about right. 

We made our way back through the blizzard, which somewhat abated the next day. We decided on another visit to the library, to research the Carlyle expedition members, including the psychoanalyst. I failed my check due to the penalty imposed by the library boy hanging around[6]. Sanchez failed his check persuading the library cat lady, then failed his push, only to have the lady's son assault him for trying to corrupt his mother. We were unceremoniously thrown out.

We visited Kensington for help in our research, which he promised to gather in a few days.

And at the hotel, we got a message from out reporter friend Rebeca. Unfortunately the car was simply stolen from a local merchant. But she did manage to arrange an interview with Millie Adams, the wife of the murder suspect.

Looks like a third session of investigation awaits.

[1] At this point we might as well roll with it.

[2] If or when we get to Kenya.

[3] Archie bled in his undersized snow shoes.

[4] Even more sizable than my own.

[5] Never split the party.

[6] Puppy love syndrome.

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