Monday, October 16, 2017

Repainting Sir Gawain from the Shadows over Camelot boardgame


The eyes are definitely too stark.


Repainting the armor

As I usually do metallics. Follow the painting tip. 

Green and yellow

First, throw down the basecoats. Sick Green for everything green:

Given how fiddly yellow tends to be, apply White Primer first.

Sun Yellow over the primer.

Shade the green in Biel-Tan Green.

Fix the green basecoat whereever the yellow overlaps using the original color.

Highlight the yellow in Fluorescent Yellow. Not really visible at this point. I contemplated darkening down the yellow, but I wasn't how to start and didn't want to ruin what I accomplished.

Wood and leather

Basecoat in Heavy Brown and Dark Fleshtone.

Agrax Earthshade on everything!

Highlight using the original colors.

The spikes on the weapon were originally painted grey. I left it at that, but highlighted them using Gunmetal.

Face and eyes

Again, start off by basecoating in White Primer, to avoid having to either strip the paint or do 10 layers to cover the eyes.

Follow the - you guessed it! - painting tip.

Hair and beard

Same as the beard of the dwarf cleric: basecoat grey, feather white and black wash.

Highlight black

Follow the - you guessed it! - painting tip.


Paint the base green and apply static grass as for the Picts.


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