Thursday, October 12, 2017

Repainting Sir Kay from the Shadows over Camelot boardgame


Definitely the worst paintjob of the lot. I messed up the eyes by turning the mini around and not painting both of them from the same angle.


Sadly, the face isn't sculpted very well, so the second try still doesn't look 100% right. I corrected the eye again with skintone, but the picture doesn't quite show it.

Stripping the paint from the face

Nail polish and Q-tip.

Repainting the cloak

Aiming for the look of the Armor of Lancelot, basecoat in Ultramarine Blue, then highlight the folds in Magic Blue.

Drakenhof Nightshade to darken the shadows.

Mixed a bit of Bonewhite into Magic Blue to highlight the top of the folds.

Repainting the armor

Fix the Gunmetal basecoat.

Overall glaze with Guilliman Blue, diluted with Lahmian Medium.

Highlight in Chainmail Silver.

Repainting the shield

With the gunmetal trim already fixed at the previous step, I applied Agrax Earthshade all over the shield.

Edge highlight the brown around the edge of the shield and the split in the middle.

Edge highlight the horn with Orange Fire.

Repainting the face and the sword

White primer. It truly looks horrible, and it's pretty clear at this point that the sculpt isn't very good.

Elf Skintone for the face, Khaki on the hair as this is a good base for a yellowy blond. Gold on the sword. Leather Brown strips on the handle. Chainmail Silver on the blade.

Reikland Fleshshade on the face and gold.

Seraphim Sepia on the hair.

It turned too browny, so glaze Lamenter's Yellow.

Finally highlight with Sun Yellow.

Guilliman Blue on the sword.

Highlight the sword with gold and silver.

Eyes follow the painting tip. Then I painted the base green and applied static grass as for the Picts.


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