Remember this one? Well, due to the Corona shutdown, I still could not hand it over. But perhaps two birds with one stone - I have another friend in the military, and I intend on giving him this modern trooper as a gift.
Documenting the winding journey from beginning wargaming and PnP RPG-s, through low budget solutions, to a growing collection of painted miniatures and a veritable chronicle of games and campaigns.
Remember this one? Well, due to the Corona shutdown, I still could not hand it over. But perhaps two birds with one stone - I have another friend in the military, and I intend on giving him this modern trooper as a gift.
My first ever encounter with LEDs in a miniature. It took some basic research to find out what I need. A primer by a friend who lent me his soldering iron reawakened some memories from physics class about circuits and thus I skipped watching youtube tutorials. A quick search in the local-ish Warhammer community revealed a couple guys who did this before, and were also kind enough to provide some advice. Finally, I asked around where to buy supplies, and in the end I found a local store downtown with all the things I need.
We rested in the ashes of the underground forest, resummoned the invisible owl, made sure there's nothing ahead, then went into this small chamber to look for mushrooms. Roll for initiative, as two darkmantles fall on my and Tari's heads...
These 2 are Reaper Bones, but I can't find them on the site. Like the other greater undead type figures, the guy is quite monstrous, while the girl is a 10/10 cheesecake.
I initially intended for the nuns to be a small force, perhaps 500 points or so in a Crusade or the start of an escalation league. By the time I painted them, life happened, and the local escalation is already at 1500. No matter - let's try to put them on the table, using Cadian rules and plenty of allies to make up points.
This pair of classic looking vampires from Reaper. The dude is rocking an original Dracula feel, while the girl reminds me of the brides from this classic.
September has ended, and I just finished publishing the posts regarding my newly painted proxy Astra Militarum nun army. I did not expect to finish posting before getting them into some games, but here we are.
Progress on Be'lakor ground to a halt when the Guild Hall announced their latest painting competition. At least I got pretty far on that, I expect to finish my entry soon and then get back to the big man himself. Although I am now also pretty far into some more Imperium-related stuff... to be posted probably later this month.
All in all, I haven't got that much to show due to working on individual models rather than large units, but I'm happy with the results.
D&D is the best, even with only one set of sessions going forward. At least we're meeting face to face, and we even got in extra play time occasionally.
On the other hand, I haven't played Warhammer in about 2 months. About time I get back in the game.
Perhaps in a decade or so, my necromancer will level up enough to create undead such as these.