Monday, October 18, 2021

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: If they're talking, they might be talking...

We rested in the ashes of the underground forest, resummoned the invisible owl, made sure there's nothing ahead, then went into this small chamber to look for mushrooms. Roll for initiative, as two darkmantles fall on my and Tari's heads...

They weren't particularly hard to deal with, but direct damage went through them to the "wearer". After a Firebolt and a sword to the head, I needed to rest again.

Next up, in another clear chamber, a giant monster appeared - a cross between fish and worm. It spoke to us telepathically about leaving the rest of the dungeon level alone. Ireth tried to reason with it, but got no info out of it. I kindly suggested it go and suck on a stalactite. We rolled for initiative, and Ireth Blighted it - at which point it turned out to be an illusion and disappeared.[1]

The owl then discovered some corridors with slimy water on the floor. I inspected the slime, but found nothing necromantic or demonic. I tried to taste it, which got me a disease.[2]

We took another turn instead, and got to the underground river. We got on our brooms and sent the owl to scout ahead. It soon discovered a tunnel on the other side, so we crossed it to kill the troglodytes inhabiting the first room.

And then the second room. (By which point I had three extra zombies.)

And then the third room.

At some point, I cast Comprehend Languages to hear what they are talking about through the owl, but came to nothing useful, except the bumbled line which gave this episode's title.

The final encounter presented more of a challenge, although we didn't actually get hurt. We met the hook horrors head on, with summoned demons and giant wasps doing the tanking, along with the zombies. Selene kept up a steady barrage of Fireballs, and Tari shot her bow to great effect, as usual. There were some highlights as well...

Ireth tried a flanking maneuver, only to have a hook horror rise out of the water to ambush her. I sent a zombie to help, but she took care of it just fine with a swarm of summoned wasps.

Faerie Fire illuminated a couple of remaining monsters, and I advanced to hold one up before it got to my skeleton archers.

Selene summoned a unicorn, which hang around confused and looked for food in the cave.

[1] I was the only one to notice it was an illusion, due to a high arcana check. I wanted to avoid hurting Ireth's feelings, so I told her: 'Good job!'
[2] I deserved that, to be honest.

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