Saturday, January 1, 2022

The year in review

So we got 2021 past us as well. Time flies when you are having fun.

With COVID still very much in the news, gaming was scarce but at least better than last year. I have a grand total of 10 games of Warhammer to my name this year.

RPGs fared a bit better, but not by much. The Wrath & Glory transitioned into D&D before dying off; at least the Dungeon of the Mad Mage is still trucking on, with us getting past the 5th level during the last session of the game. 

So off to my final refuge of sanity: miniature painting.

The year started off with commission painting, including Contrast-type jobs of soldiers, bandits, pirates and assorted minis, as well as some regular jobs and experiments culminating in the Triumph of Saint Catherine. I'm not sure how I feel about all this, as they were a huge chunk of time investment... but also a source of satisfaction, with the Triumph being the most complex "single miniature" I ever completed. 37 miniatures in total in this category, counting the Triumph as 1.

Next up, a chapter of its own: my army of nuns. This was crazy fun and alternately monotonous to assemble and paint, another large project (52 miniatures in total, counting the heavy weapons teams as 1 each) leaving me with mixed feelings. At least they bring out a laugh every time they see the table :D

Finally, off to the assorted miniatures painted during the year. Daemons are represented by a small Khorne force, with the main effort going into the Inquisition contingent and D&D miniatures bulking out the rest. Be'lakor is the absent elephant in the room, but I just couldn't finish the big guy with how December turned out to be. Oh well, maybe in January. There are a total of 115 miniatures in this picture, with the Fane of Slaanesh and a birthday gift miniature missing.

This brings the grand total of painted miniatures to 206, the best in both quantity and quality that I ever achieved in a year. It's pretty clear that I've spent most of my free time at home, painting. I won't mind if I paint less and game more next year; but at least 2021 wasn't all that awful :D

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