Thursday, October 11, 2018

Converting a Space Marine Captain


With the Doom of Ulpia campaign nearing its end, I thought about giving a gift to my faithful co-player. And what's better than a hand-made gift? Something that he could use in his Warhammer games as well? Enter Captain Zsombicus. (A word play on his name, Zsombor.)

Body and re-posed leg

Take a regular Space Marine. Strip him of paint. Break off his backpack, arms and legs. Good. We may begin.

I wanted to modify his pose, based on a tutorial in the MiniWarGaming Vault. The first step is to cut of his left leg.

Then cut out some parts of the knee joint, so as to be able to bend the knee further. Use Green Stuff to fill out any holes.

Left hand: power sword

The easiest component to do. I had an arm holding a chainsword, and a hand holding a power sword.

Cut off the hand. Sand the surface down. Glue the other hand. Done.

Right hand: combi-plasma

Start from a regular bolter arm.

Saw off the top.

Prepare the combi-plasma bit by sanding down the edges.

Drill out the gun barrels.

They still weren't a perfect fit, so use Green Stuff to fill out the space.

Use a sculpting tool to push the green stuff back in, so the seam is barely visible.


There aren't many pictures here, as it would have been awkward to take photos; but look up any video tutorial on Youtube for more details.

First, use a rolling pin to spread out a bit of Green Stuff, then cut it to the desired size. Make sure the surface is wet. Also it helps if you let the stuff set for a bit before using it.

Scrape it up using a knife. Applying very little pressure with your hands (otherwise you'll leave fingerprints), fit it on the back of the mini. Then use a brush (or any other tool) to induce swirls, imitating a wind blown cape. Finally fit the backpack on.
Of course, the sheet of Green Stuff won't just float in mid-air. By applying a counterweight knight, I had it dry in this position.


Take a bald space marine head. I had to cut a bit off the bottom to make it fit.

Pin it for easier access.

Start with the goggles. Take tiny amounts of green stuff and place over the eye.

Use a sculpting tool to press it down, creating the illusion of a frame and lenses.

Since they don't touch, the hair can be done at the same time. Put an amount of green stuff on the top of the head, then start pulling it around: at first with a sculpting tool, then a toothpick, then finally a hobby knife.

After 24 hours when these have dried, the final bit can be applied: straps to hold the goggles. Again, apply a tiny strip of green stuff and make it flat using the sculpting tool.

After another 24 hours, the head is safe for handling.

Purity seal and assembly

Re-assemble. Pin for easier access.

Create and extra purity seal. Cut a strip of green stuff (same as with the cloak) using the hobby knife, then fold it over.

Pick it up using the hobby knife, and place it on the mini. Place another tiny ball of green stuff over it. Press it down using the sculpting tool.


We need something to emphasize that re-posed leg. 

Take a sheet of cork, break off a suitably sized piece.

Glue to the base.

I used my fingernail to chip off the edge, creating a natural jagged look.

I used one of the pieces I chipped off to create an elevation. Somehow, it's a perfect fit for the altered leg position.

Conversion finished!

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