The second miniature to be painted from this Kickstarter, to replace the last boardgame-quality miniature in the DnD party.
Much like her twin, I had her pinned.
However, her arms are slanted at a steeper angle, and the pins were not a perfect match.
I tried out GW's Liquid Green Stuff, which proved to be unfit for large gaps.
So I went in with regular Green Stuff.
Medium leather coat, light leather details (bracers, straps).
At the same time I laid on a basecoat of Heavy Orange on the fur trims, intending on a fox-fur look. Washed it Agrax Earthshade along with the leathers.
Metal buckles.
Finish off the fur with a Heavy Orange drybrush. It was too pinkish, so I drybrushed again, with Orange Fire.
For yet another brown color, I highlighted the pants (at this point Heavy Brown basecoat and Agrax Earthshade wash) with Heavy Brown.
Then toned it back down with Agrax Earthshade.
Dark brown bow.
Eyes and fletching
Same steps, use the eyes painting tip.
Red hair
Heavy Orange and Carroburg Crimson.
Drybrush Heavy Orange.
Drybrush 1:1 Heavy Orange + Bonewhite.
Way too pink. Wash Carroburg Crimson.
Still too pink. Glaze Bloodletter, wash Carroburg Crimson.
No wash in the world can turn this pink into red. So I drybrushed Gory Red. Much better.
Finish off with a black hair tie.
Snowy base, with the usual underlying work.
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