Monday, October 8, 2018

Menace in the Zarek Valley - The Legend of Solid

Having rested, the adventurers gear up to assault the goblin headquarters. They reach a tower deep in the woods, standing guard over a waterfall.
And standing guard in front of the tower are four goblins. The party attacks, and so do the monsters - including archers from atop the battlements.

The adventurers defeat the goblins and enter the tower. With stairs going both up and down, they are at a loss - what to do? Sotocus applies a detect magic spell, and notices traces of magic upstairs. Now, to surprise them! Solid takes all the strength buffs he can get, then tries to shake the upper floor.

Strength check.

Natural 20.

The upper floor collapses, bringing down rock and debris, gravely injuring the adventurers. To be fair, the debris also includes dead goblins, but the goblin boss and his two bodyguards stroll down the ruined slope to confront the intruders.

Szivem drinks a potion that makes all her hair fall out.[1]

Weakened by the falling rocks[2], the adventurers loose the fight. However, the boss himself is also fairly beat up, and is open for negotiations. Solid, Sotocus and Groin are unconscious and are taken as prisoners. Selene remains as a willing prisoner. Tari and Szivem pull back, and promise not to return.[3]

[1] Yes, even down under. The goblins chuckle, but are not impressed.
[2] And I didn't even have to lift a finger.
[3] Naive goblins... trusting adventurers.

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