On the molten surface of Prospero, in the ruins of once-proud Tizca, the Word Bearers warband advanced cautiously. They were closing in on the signal... but far ahead, avian cries broke the silence. Someone was already here!

Word Bearers: Battalion Detachment
- Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor, Power Sword, Warlord: Daemonic Whispers
- Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armor, The Malefic Tome, powers: Warp Time, Prescience, Death Hex
- 5-man Chaos Terminators
- 5-man Plague Marines, 3x Plasma Gun
- 5-man Chaos Space Marines with Boltguns, Power Sword
- 5-man Chaos Space Marines with Chainswords, Power Sword
- 2x 10-man Cultists, Autoguns
- 10-man Cultists, Autopistols
Thousand Sons: Patrol Detachment
- Exalted Sorcerer, Warlord, Dark Matter Crystal
- 10-man Rubric Marines, Soulreaper Cannon
- 20-man Tzaangors, Tzaangor Blades
- Tzaangor Shaman
- 3-man Tzaangor Enlightened, bows
- 3-man Tzaangor Enlightened, spears
- 5-man Scarab Occult Terminators, Soulreaper Cannon, Hellfyre Missile Rack
Mission: Big Guns Never Tire
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil
The Word Bearers, knowing themselves to be outgunned, retreated inside ruined buildings.Fast moving Tzaangors riding Discs of Tzeentch hovered above the ruins across the field, looking for their prey. Below them, more Tzaangors loped ahead, screening for the slow-moving unit of Rubrics, directed by the Exalted Sorcerer.
Word Bearers, turn 1
The Chaos Marines sent out their Cultists to scout out the enemy positions. The contingent of Blood Pact advanced in an orderly formation, while the ragged band of close combat Cultists ran forward with ululating cries.
Thousand Sons, turn 1
In a flash of warp energy, the Sorcerer consumed his Dark Matter Crystal and sent forth his Rubrics. In a withering hail of fire, the Chaos Marines were consumed by Warp Bolters.
Word Bearers, turn 2
The Cultists turned back, intent on avenging their masters. However, they were quickly cut down.
It was as if fate itself protected the Rubrics. The Word Bearers Lord teleported down to direct his troops, but his Demon Bolt Shell backfired, and the Plague Marines' plasma shots were repelled by sorcererous auras.
Thousand Sons, turn 2
Their enemy revealed, the Tzaangors surged forward.
The Word Bearers were caught in a pincer.
Word Bearers, turn 3
The elite cadre of the Anointed arrived in a flash, their vox units blaring with chants to honor the Dark Gods.
But the Dark Gods deigned not to listen to their prayers, as melta fire bounced off harmlessly the Exalted Sorcerer - even when cursed with a Death Hex. Their charge floundered, and the Terminators were left exposed.
On the home front, as if the last turn had replayed, the Lord's Demon Bolt Shell backfired again.
Thousand Sons, turn 3
Slowly but surely, the Rubrics had eliminated the backfield Cultists.
The Tzaangors crashed into the Blood Pact, but the resolute warriors held fast.
Scarab Occult Terminators landed to protect their Sorcerer. They shot at the Word Bearers Terminators, then charged them, followed by the Tzaangors. But the luck was turning, and they could not break through.
Word Bearers, turn 4
The marines blasted the bow-carrying Enlightened, then charged into the fray. Although the spears cut through the close combat marines, the Plague Marines and Cultists combined cleared out the Tzaangors.
Thousand Sons, turn 4
The grind carried on, both sides loosing combatants slowly, but surely.
The Tzaangor Shaman joined the fray, intent on eliminating the Word Bearers backfield.
Word Bearers, turn 5
The Chaos Lord shot the Enlightened and charged the Shaman, reclaiming the objective.
A successful Death Hex saw three Scarab Occult fall to the Chainfist.
Thousand Sons, turn 5
The Exalted Sorcerer ordered his minions to retreat, and bathed the Word Bearers in psychic fire.
Warp Bolters barked, and the Plague Marines fell.
The Thousand Sons held most of the field, and the Word Bearers could only pray for more time. And the Dark Gods granted their wish on a 3+...
Word Bearers, turn 6
The Chaos Lord retreated into the ruins, and the backfield saw no more action. Everything was to be decided by the Terminators.
Unfortunately, they failed.
The Sorcerer cast Warp Time to reach the other objective, but the Thousand Sons denied it.
The Sorcerer shot his combi-bolter into the Tzaangor, but failed to kill it.
The Terminators shot everything into the Tzaangor, but failed to kill it.
At least the cut through the Exalted Sorcerer.
Thousand Sons, turn 6
The Tzaangor took the objective.
On a 4+, the Dark Gods no longer granted any wishes.
At first, this game was depressing. I don't like to attribute any results to the dice, but in a small scale game like this, every roll matters more. Two Demon Shells backfiring on 2+, the Plague Marines' plasma doing pitiful damage really sealed the backfield. A melta shot got into the Exalted Sorcerer, doing 1 damage... reroll into 1. Granted, luck evened out with how well the Terminators did. But then it swung back again, with the last little Tzaangor making all 5 5+ saves, and then the game ending.
But that just made it all the more fun! After the initial floundering, the game got real close and kept the tension high up for 3 turns in a row. If I had made the Warp Time, it would have been a tie (Slay the Warlord equaling out First Blood); if I had killed the Tzaangor, I would have won.
Honorable mention goes to the Terminator Sorcerer, who used the new Word Bearers stratagem from Faith & Fury every turn, taking mortal wounds to ensure his vital spells got off.
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