Monday, March 10, 2025

Astra Militarum vs Adeptus Custodes, 05.03.2025

The codex is finally out, and I tried the Siege Regiment for the first game. I brought a combination of infantry for the stratagems, tanks to take advantage of the stealth bombardment, and basilisks to augment the slowing down of units and take advantage of denying cover. Here are my blobs...

...up against the elite Custodes, with two grav tanks and a lot (well, for Custodes) infantry.

The first round saw the custodes take board position, and shooting up my Sentinels. I opted for the 5+ slow effect on my regiment rule, and I rolled a grand total of 0 5+s. Everything went ahead full speed.

I pulled Bring it Down, and I went for the Rhino first. I managed to destroy it quickly, including through the use of the Remote Mine. I originally wanted to use it on the Wardens in the middle, but they reactive moved out. The Catachans failed to flame down the Silent Sisters.

A combination of everything I had, including: Scout Sentinel reroll 1s, Exterminator extra AP, Rogal Dorn full shooting and help from the Basilisks managed to destroy a grav tank. I was then in for a surprise, as the Bring it Down objective was nerfed, and the Basilisks now lack the Heavy rule from their big guns. Sad all around.

At least the Catachans were somewhat useful by scouting, rushing the far objectives and raising banners.

Battle round 2

I put down Stealth to protect my tanks from the remaining grav tank shooting. The Catachans Overwatch'd and killed the two Silent Sisters. Good, a unit eliminated. I was feeling good about everything, but then the reserves arrived.

And the Custodes went on the offensive. I lost most of my Kriegers, including both characters thanks to the Blade Champion's precision attacks; I lost the Catachan pictured, and most of Gaunt's Ghosts. Both battle tanks were mauled. At least the squad in the upper left corner, slowed by a basilisk shot, failed its charge.

I retreated and shot everything I could, but this turn I somehow failed everything and the Custodes made all their saves. OK, maybe I killed about 2 models. But they were really smart by putting the Wardens up front with their 4+ FnP, and the Guard back and having Kyria Draxus make them unshootable.

What I did accomplish, was drop my Tempestus Aquilons and my Callidus in to kill the enemy Callidus, scoring me Marked for Death.

Next round, it was the Cadians' turn to get slaughtered. The Dorn still held on. Gaunt died.

I focused all my firepower on the close squad of Wardens, and I managed to get them down to a Blade Champion. Tank shock! Still at a couple of wounds. It was Krieg's finest hour, as the squad charged in and took the golden warrior down.

There were two more turns at this point, but it was just me retreating and shooting and the Custodes mopping up all my units. In the end, I was left with a single battleshocked Krieg Combat Engineer.


I was sorely disappointed by how the Siege Regiment (didn't) perform, but there was a lot to learn here. The slowdown effect is probably useless, I didn't roll a 5+ but the opponent had few squads. Even then, nothing guaranteed it triggering on anything important. And if there were 20 squads... then it probably wouldn't have mattered either. I should have gone for denying cover in the first turn and use my indirect fire to full effect, and then stealth on my own tanks to win the firefight.

Speaking of indirect fire, Basilisks now suck with the removal of the heavy rule. Enjoy firing on 5+. But the removal of cover for any target goes so hand in hand with indirect, I might consider going back to field guns or trying out some Krieg-style artillery. At least they can be ordered by regular officers.

I completely missed  that a tank commander is a character unit, and thus eligible for the Flares Burst stratagem. Rogal Dorn with full rerolls? Yes, please.

And more infantry is needed to take advantage of the Furious Fusillade. I only had two big blobs, and they were neutered  the moment the enemy got near. Another rank of screens could have solved that issue, although the reactive move was used to great effect by the Custodes. Maybe more Combat Engineers. They only did one thing, using their remote mine, and then soaked up some hits, but even that was useful.

All in all, I was really disappointed at first, but I am now just eager to try it again, differently.

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