Thursday, March 13, 2025

Painting a shadow dragon

Dragons for the dungeons! Literally. For Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Miniature made by Reaper.


I had this Reaper dragon already primed and zenithal'd. I looked for a suitable base (extra large wingspan and tail - found a chariot base) and decided to raise the mini a bit using two layers of old cavalry bases.

Add large statue pieces, in theme with the cast base.

Fill out with broken up cork. Add skulls.

Add this point add terrain paste. Then add flocking.

Spray black. Then spray Mechanicus Standard Grey.

Painting the dragon

The tutorial I roughly followed says ghostly flesh, which is nowhere near what I got, but it's pretty good for a shadow dragon.

Heavy drybrush Warpfiend Grey (2:1 Cold Grey + Heavy Violet).

Lighter drybrush Pallid Wych Flesh (2:1 Off White + Stonewall Grey).

Recess shade Nuln Oil.

A more restrained recess shade with Druchii Violet. Use a smaller brush and go only into the deepest recesses.

White spot highlights.

Painting the base

Painting cobblestone on the dirt, up to the final drybrush.

Then, I wanted to experiment with a more desaturated, greyscale base as opposed to my usual neutral brown pieces. Basecoat the marble statues and skulls Grey Seer. Then apply the washes as per marble and Bone.

Then draw the streaks and feathering on the marble using Heavy Grey instead of Beasty Brown.

Highlight and tie in everything at once with a drybrush of Stonewall Grey.


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