Thursday, February 20, 2020

Painting a magma elemental


The third elemental slave to be painted: my very own Magmi!

Initial painting - as an earth elemental

Basecoat Stonewall Grey. Paint some areas with a mix of Stonewall Grey and Black - something around Cold Grey.

Overall wash Agrax Earthshade. While still wet, dab on spots of Coelia Greenshade, Seraphim Sepia, Nuln Oil.

Second go - start from scratch!

Why have a generic earth elemental and pretend it's magma when you can have... magma?

I was inspired by the lava base - basecoat the entire thing as if preparing for that.

Black drybrush.

Black highlight the center of every stone hilit by the drybrush..

Base exactly as the firestorm elemental. They were done in one go, so I made the same mistake and fixed it the same way.


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