As his Bloodcrushers demolished the temple of hated Sigmar, the whirl of arcane energies tore at the fabric of reality. Arbra'Gax clawed his way back into this world. He lifted his runesword and cried out in triumph.
'May Khorne bless you with Surging Ferocity!'
The Bloodcrushers exulted in the favor shown, and the Bloodthirster howled with them. But the celebration ended early. The only prayer that Khorne favors is the shedding of blood, and Arbra'Gax would not be lax in his duty. He lifted his weapon in a two handed grip, runes blazing reddish light. He cut at the maelstrom of magics, and jumped into the opening portal. His daemons rushed after him. The sandy desert was but a distant memory as they surged out onto a green plain, near an identical temple they just left behind ruined.
Ahead, a warband of Gloomspite Gitz hollered in triumph, their boss cradling an arcane trinket in his arms. Arbra'Gax roared his challenge, and the battle was on.
Battle round 1
The Gitz advanced cautiously towards the new enemy appearing out of thin air.
The daemons of Khorne loped forwards, Flesh Hounds baying. But Arbra'Gax held on to their leash. The capering duo of giant squigs seemed a worthless opponent, and he wished to deny their honorable death in combat. He whirled his whip and struck, but the weapon bounced off harmlessly the beasts' thick red hide.
Battle round 2
Impressed, Arbra'Gax seized the initiative before the gitz could respond. He ordered his daemons to advance, and he struck again and again, bathing the squigs in hellfire and flensing them with his whip. The giant beasts felt the strikes now, and they growled in anger and pain.
The great daemon unfurled his wings, and leapt into battle, all previous plans forgotten. His warband followed, the Bloodcrushers stampeding through the squig herd. Arbra'Gax hacked and slashed with his runesword, reducing the great squigs to bloody mush. The beasts descended into a death frenzy, killing their own gitz and hurting the Bloodthirster himself.
The remaining gitz retaliated, but they were lost without their boss, and proved no match for the daemons.
With only two Boingrot Bounderz left, they decided to flee, taking the arcane trinket with them.
Battle round 3
Arbra'Gax looked in disgust at his fleeing foe, and ordered his warband to chase them down. The gitz were surrounded and cut down to the last.
As the bloodrage died down and the ecstasy of bloodshed faded, Arbra'Gax shook his enormous head to clear it further. He looked down proudly at his followers. Flesh Hounds were ripping the corpses apart, fighting over the remains, while the mounted Bloodletters struggled to regain control over their Juggernauts. They were mighty, but they were few; to shed more blood, they would need to field more warriors. The Bloodthirster looked around, thoughts racing. He could summon more daemons... or better yet, recruit from the mortals inhabiting the realm. Especially if the recruitment process led to even more bloodshed... He spread his wings and leapt into the air, flying towards a distant pillar of smoke. His minions would follow, but for now, he would do this alone.
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