I've learned a lot from my first "tournament style" game, let's put that into practice. I expanded my 1250 points list with some Bloodcrushers, up against an unknown army... turned out to be Indomitus necrons!
Documenting the winding journey from beginning wargaming and PnP RPG-s, through low budget solutions, to a growing collection of painted miniatures and a veritable chronicle of games and campaigns.
I've learned a lot from my first "tournament style" game, let's put that into practice. I expanded my 1250 points list with some Bloodcrushers, up against an unknown army... turned out to be Indomitus necrons!
At the same time as the other batch of D&D miniatures, I painted these, but with a different approach. As they wear mostly metallic armor, I decided to start from a silver primer.
We gathered ourselves to meet the great white abomination in battle. We were 5 adventurers present, but I still advised to engage a remote group of sentries first, to learn their strengths and weaknesses. Thus Ireth wild shape'd into a giant octopus to carry the girls, while I took Solid on my flying broom. We entered through a side corridor to fight two immense crab-like creatures.
The planeswalker Jace from Magic the Gathering: Arena of the Planeswalkers board game has 3 illusory clones. I painted one up as a white wizard.
No finished picture as the miniature got accidentally mixed up with the D&D crowd.
Painting the nuns was an exciting project, but it was monotonous... I will never ever paint a unified army for any gaming system again. As a quick break, I painted some random miniatures for D&D. They are from D&D boardgames, and are not that high quality, so I broke out the Contrast paints. Ever experimenting with speed painting, I decided on mostly applying just 1 layer of highlights on most areas. I am quite satisfied with the results.
Note: yes there is a miniature from the Magic the Gathering boardgame that has sneaked in to these photos. Nevermind him.
Time for the nuns to take to the table again, this time in a more competitive setting. Retrieval mission from Chapter Approved and WTC terrain setup. I was facing down the Order of the Bloody Rose, led by Saint Celestine.
I recently helped my mum move house, and discovered these gems in a cardboard box. You see, I was into toy soldiers as a child. And into watching WW2 documentaries on the Discovery Channel. And whatever I saw, and I was missing, I made it myself! The yellow tank is supposed to be a Sherman if I remember correctly, while the tracked cannon next to Santa Clause is a railway gun.
I also did sci-fi stuff, such as the Transformers on the right. I had toy cars and motorcycles, so when the robot transformed, I just replaced the figure with the vehicle. Also note the sea monster - I think from Godzilla.
At one point I got into 3D stuff, such as the knight, crossbowman, and caveman. I also made the flail-wielding amazon to be able to sit on a plastic horse.
Things got wild by the end.
Oh, the "plasticine" is equal parts flour, salt and water. Mix until homogenous. I remember that you can obtain harder or softer material by varying the ratios. Create what you want, then bake in the oven. It's soft and usually won't stand up, so 3D stuff require multiple iterations. The material works as an excellent bond as well. Mix in toothpicks, but don't bother with plastic as it will melt in the oven.
The goblin command group from Reaper, intended to command (hehe) a large group of goblins in the near (maybe not so near) future.
With the planeswalker Gideon done, I am close to finishing the miniatures from Magic the Gathering: Arena of the Planeswalkers board game.
Another large batch of identical old school miniatures bought for cheap. Just like these guys.
Some sort of convention-only miniature (Salute 2012), which I bought on eBay because it was cheap.
Today's my last day of isolation due to COVID. It wasn't a holiday, either; my entire family caught it, and we were all pretty much ground into the mud for most of two weeks.
I was unable to go to the painting competition... but so was everybody else as well, so it got postponed.
I haven't painted much. Even by the time I was able to sit in a chair, I lacked the focus to concentrate for any significant period of time. This is the reason I just published older painting posts. At least by now I finished the inquisitors; I just need to take pictures. I plan on doing shorter projects until I get back on track; then I should really, really finish Be'lakor.
Gaming wise, you can take a guess. I played a single game of Warhammer 40k right before I got sick, so at least the nuns have seen some action, alongside Eisenhorn. D&D moved to online again, and at least I was able to participate. I don't see any of this improving in any meaningful way during November...
After a short rest (and just 3 adventurers, Zyn, Tari, and Okos being the generic icon), we proceeded to the next cavern room where we met a group of 4 Kuo-Toa quietly enjoying their meal of rotten fish. They were in bad shape, sickly and all. Okos decided to walk up and greet them, at which they grabbed fish bones and charged to attack. They did not even manage to hit once, so I yelled at them in Undercommon to cease the foolishness at once. They agreed that they are indeed fools, and took us to their leader.