Monday, November 22, 2021

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: When you see the white whale...

We gathered ourselves to meet the great white abomination in battle. We were 5 adventurers present, but I still advised to engage a remote group of sentries first, to learn their strengths and weaknesses. Thus Ireth wild shape'd into a giant octopus to carry the girls, while I took Solid on my flying broom. We entered through a side corridor to fight two immense crab-like creatures.

The chuuls took some time to kill, and I correctly deduced that they are tough, but don't deal much damage. They did paralyze our sorceress, so we learnt not to approach them closely.

And now, for the main event. I flew Solid to the island in the middle, leaving the ranged attackers to hang on tight on the walls of the cavern.

Solid got off with a readied action, and immediately engaged the crabs. The enemies converged on him, and the aboleth tried to charm me... hehe, good luck doing that to an elf. I told him to go suck on a stalactite again.

And now, for the coup-de-grace... surprise tyrannosaurus!

The t-rex dutifully chomped his way through the crabs, while taking damage in return. We helped out with lightning bolts, fireballs and walls of fire (marked with red). Of course I couldn't help but yell 'Split your lungs with blood and thunder, when you see the white whale!'

In the end, the t-rex took enough damage to transform back to Solid, and the aboleth fled. We killed the remaining chuul, and went to look for the boss. We found no secret doors or illusions, so I sent a zombie underwater to discover a hidden entrance to a cave.

We landed on the island to get a ritual of water breathing going on, then entered the aboleth's hidden lair. It died almost instantly, and its kuo-toa attendants fled.

We split the loot and ended the session there.

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